In the year 2000 British crime flick Snatch, written and directed by Guy Ritchie, we get to follow the path of a recently stolen and quite sizable diamond as it makes it's way through the world of Britain's organized crime underworld. The film focuses on underground boxing promoters Turkish (Jason Statham) and Tommy (Stephen Graham) and the ever-expanding ensemble of thugs, cockney gangsters and even gypsies that they find themselves intertwined with as the story progresses. It is in this vast array of characters that the film finds it's greatest strengths. From Brad Pitt's portrayal of the gypsy bare knuckle boxer Mickey, to Alan Ford's icy persona as crime kingpin Brick Top, this film features a variety of truly wonderfully written and acted characters.
Turkish, Mickey, and Tommy |
Alan Ford as the ruthless Brick Top |
If you are a fan of crime dramas and/or deadpan humor I recommend that you give this movie a chance. You would be hard pressed to find a better ensemble of characters anywhere in this genre of films, think Ocean's Eleven but funnier, more gritty and generally much more well written and acted. The way that Ritchie sets all of these interesting characters, all with their own motivations and stories on a collision course that plays out over the course of the film is really a testament to his skill as a writer and film maker. Snatch oozes cool from every pore and is truly not to be missed for fans of film. It laces a potent crime story with humor and brilliantly constructed dialog and still to this day stands out a Guy Ritchie's finest work as far as I am concerned.
Sounds like a good movie. Since you said it has fighting and thugs and gangsters then I will definitely have to check this movie out! haha
ReplyDeleteI've seen this movie at least five times and it never gets boring. It is really fuc.... funny and totally original. Good choice for a movie blog.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your blogs because you are funny and have so much to say. I really like your pictures and I have never seen this movie, but I will definitely have to see it because of your blog, and Brad Pitt is in it so....
ReplyDeleteCatcha Lata ;]
This movie is deffinatley one of those movies that captures your eyes with all the many cast members, and the many different accents the charecters have in it. The dialaug is great and It really shows there acting skills. That being said Brad pitt is in my opinion pretty much makes this movie.
ReplyDeleteI watched this movie many times and it never gets old. I want to recomend Boondock Saints for you to watch. This movie also is great and you need to follow the story very close to get what is going on in the movie.
ReplyDeleteWow, ok, lots of responses to this. Must be well -written and engaging.
ReplyDeleteAnd dead-pan humor? I love dead-pan humor. The kind of humor you sometimes have to think about. Yep. Pretty sure I saw this years back, but I'm going to rent this one again I guess! Maybe even this weekend.
Also interesting that AK(Alexie) mentions "Boondock Saints" as a student in the 9am did his review on that movie and also says it is not to be missed.