Friday, March 2, 2012

Sample Ad Analysis

                                Visual Analysis of Chapter 3 Sample Ads
          I picked this Dolce & Gabbana ad mainly for the simple fact that it was tough to tell what exactly they are selling here. Other than the logo (not present in this version) it seems to only be advertising the brand itself and the fact that they can pay a big celebrity to pose for them. The ad features celebrity fossil Madonna washing the dishes in a fairly regular kitchen while making either a sexy face, or a surprised one? kinda tough to tell. Is the dress the product here? your guess is as good as mine. If this spot had no brand names shown it would be entirely impossible to know what they were selling. This ad definitely fits right in line with Dolce & Gabbana's history of producing misogynistic magazine spots. She in not only doing proper "women's work" in the kitchen but also squeezed in to quite a sexy outfit where the audience can (coincidentally I'm sure) see no less than 50% of one of her breasts. Keep it classy D&G.

                                                     Vans Ad, Page 139
          I picked this Vans shoes ad for the fact that it is nearly the polar opposite of the above Madonna spot. The imagery of the advertisement clearly depicts a pair of skate shoes, the Vans logo and a grungy looking kid who I can only assume is a professional skateboarder with a large picture of a skull behind him. I would say the tone that they were after here was kind of a darker heavy metal/skater vibe. Although I don't know who this Dustin Dollin fellow is, I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is a skateboarder due the both the brand and his unmistakable style. I would say the target demographic of this ad is surely teenage males who either skateboard or just consider themselves "alternative" for one reason or another. Unfortunately these shoes are most commonly donned by middle aged hipsters who only wear them "ironically" and  couldn't ride a skateboard to save their lives.

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