Friday, March 2, 2012

Six Word Memoir

                         All potential unused
                              Up until now


  1. It's not like I have never done anything...Just never had the courage to really apply myself to accomplish my bigger goals.

  2. Great 6 word memoir. Very powerful and revealing. I like that you broke that up with a "spectacularly awesome" image of what else but the wildly popular internet sensation of "cats." Who knew cats would be such a big draw in cyberspace? Kidding aside I like this memoir and that final focus on both the "now" and the courage you mention in the comments.

  3. The picture you posted (along with laying around all day, of course) is awesome! I like your memoir too. It is evident that you are rested and ready to accomplish great things!

  4. the picture is hillarouse!!
    its deffinatley one of those pictures i see that could catch someones eye real quik. Mrs Mott is deffinatley right about little cats and animals catching the consumers eye.
